News and Events

Strategic Management and Career Implications

Prof. Dr. Gerry McNamara

Prof. Dr. Gerry McNamara visited the department from April 7th to April 10th, 2024. Gerry McNamara is the John H. McConnell Professor of Management at Michigan State University. His research examines the effect of leader attributes, organizational characteristics, and market pressures on strategic perceptions, impression management actions, and strategic decisions. His research has been published in leading journals, including the Academy of Management Journal, the Strategic Management Journal or Organization Science to name a few. He is also a co-author of the textbook Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantages with Greg Dess, Alan Eisner, and Steve Sauerwald.

While in Bern, Dr. McNamara gave several lectures, sharing his experience in publishing in top-tier journals, providing insights into an ongoing research project and enlightening students of our Strategic Management course with the US Business School teaching style. Dr. McNamara also took time to provide valuable feedback on our PhD students’ research projects, for which we are very grateful. Overall, it was a pleasure to host Dr. McNamara in Bern.

Strategic Management and Career Implications

Prof. Dr. Jagdip Singh

Prof. Dr. Jagdip Singh visited the IMUU on May 01 and 02, 2019. Dr. Singh is a Professor of Marketing, Co-Director of the Business Analytics Program, as well as Professor of Design & Innovation at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, Ohio. He has just won the Lifetime Achievement Award of the American Marketing Association’s Sales Special Interest Group recognizing his tremendous impact on the academic sales discipline. He held a 2-day seminar for young researchers on Business Analytics und gave a talk on one of its current research projects. We were very happy about his visit.

Strategic Management and Career Implications

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gregory G. Dess at the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship

On April 25, 2017, Gregory G. Dess (one of the "top 20 influential researchers in the field of management", cf. Aguinis et al., 2012) will give a speech on Strategic Management and Career Implications. Please refer to the document below for further information.

Flyer Vortrag Dess FS17.pdf (PDF, 132KB)

The Role of Planning in the Venturing Process?

Dr. Jan Brinckmann

Am Donnerstag, 17. November 2016 von 13:30 bis 14:30 Uhr findet in der Schützenmattstrasse 14 (Raum 107) das Forschungskolloquium mit Dr. Brinckmann statt. Zum Thema ,,The Role of Planning in the Venturing Process?’’ wird er eine Präsentation halten, welche von einer interaktiven Diskussionsrunde gefolgt wird.

Weitere Information zu Dr. Brinckmann können Sie dem beigefügten PDF entnehmen.

Flyer Vortrag Dr. Brinckmann.pdf (PDF, 86KB)

Berner Kantonalbank: Herausforderungen für die strategische Unternehmensführung im aktuellen Umfeld

Antoinette Hunziker-Ebneter

On April 12, 2016, Antoinette Hunziker-Ebneter (President of the board of directors, Berner Kantonalbank) will give a speech on strategic challenges of Berner Kantonalbank in the context of the current environment. Please refer to the document below for further information.

Flyer Vortrag Hunziker-Ebneter FS16.pdf (PDF, 65KB)